Nordost Valhalla 2 Reference Cables — Audiophilia


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Nordost Valhalla 2 Reference Cables

Nordost Valhalla 2 Reference Cables

Nordost has tasked me with another difficult review. Actually, I was so impressed with my previous loom of Nordost cables, I requested another from one of their top lines. So, self-inflicted, and with zero regret, here is my review of the Nordost Valhalla 2 Reference Cables, a full loom including power cords, interconnects and speaker wire. Additionally, Nordost included a phono cable, digital cable and ethernet, which bought the retail price for the entire loom north of $85,000. The phono and ethernet will receive their own review.

If you’re still with me, and you should be, yes, the price is very steep. But, when considering each cable as a component, how much would 10 superior components cost, especially of this caliber, and considering the astounding musical effect they had on my system?

I’m not sure how many hours were on the cables—they come from Nordost sealed in plastic, not in their usual beautiful packaging. As such, they are, in Nordost’s words, ‘loaners’ and may have been shipped fresh from the factory or from another reviewer. So, break in was warranted. About 50 hours.

I did an unboxing video on our channel and there you’ll see the quality of the cable construction and the number of cables shipped. All were Valhalla 2 except for the ethernet cable (received this week). My thanks to owner Joe Reynolds and Marketing and PR Director, Meredith Gabor for shipping such a valuable loom to the island.


My Use

The loom was more than complete, which means all cables in my reference system could be replaced with Valhalla 2s except the ethernet cable used from my DAC. Plugging in and attaching such a valuable and beautifully-made set of cables gave me a bit of a thrill. And this before one note was played. Long time readers will know my associated reference components, all reviewed in Audiophilia. Valhalla 2 power cables were used on everything, interconnects between my Allnic preamp and MBL amp and as phonos between my Bergmann Magne Turntable and the preamp. Speaker cables with bananas attached the Alta loudspeakers to my amp. Power conditioning and outlet hardware by Audioquest. This is a system that resides in rarefied air—the cables and attached components did not embarrass one another.

The sound section of this review was completed with the loom listed below:

Power Cable x5 (2 x 2m, 3 x 1m) ($4,999.99/per metre)

Interconnect x3 2m ($6,499.99 for a 0.6 meter pair; additional half meter stereo increments are $1100)

Speaker Cable 3m ($9,599.99 for a 1.25 meter pair; additional half meter stereo increments are $1500)

Features and Specifications

The v2 Valhallas debuted in 2013 developed from the original 2001 Valhalla design. The Valhalla 2s make up Nordost’s ‘Reference Line’. The ‘Universal Cable System’ begins the series, next, ‘High Performance’ (the level of my Frey2 review examples), followed by the ‘Reference Line’, here under review, and finally the ‘Supreme Reference’ line featuring the Odin cables. Gulp!


Nordost explains the Valhalla 2’s specific technology improvements and upgrades over the original Valhalla cables:

Over the years we have been able to develop cutting edge production techniques and technological innovations that both improve the quality and precision of our manufacturing process and propel the capabilities of our products to previously unattainable levels. The Valhalla 2 range benefits from the gains of those years of research and development in every aspect of its construction.

While V2 cables remain true to the Nordost design philosophy, using silver-plated, OFC solid core conductors, extruded FEP insulation, a mechanically tuned construction, and asymmetrical grounding, the advances made from that jumping-point are astounding.

V2 cables use Dual Mono-Filament technology, along with an innovative, proprietary connector called the HOLO:PLUG®, designed to be the best possible interface between the cable and component. The combination of these two ground-breaking technologies allows Nordost products to perfectly match our philosophy of low mass design, optimal signal transfer and perfect impedance matching.


The improvements on paper above the original design seem to be significant. Sadly, I never heard the original Valhallas except at one show—Nordost’s Bjorn Bengtsson, a genial Swede, did a knockout comparison demo at the Montreal show almost a decade ago that still lives in my aural memory using Valhalla cables and the improvements they made in the system. My chez nous comparisons are with Audioquest, Allnic Audio, and Nordost Frey2s, one step down the Nordost ladder.

From the Nordost website, the tech highlights for the three cables in question (photos above):

The power cord consists of 7 solid, silver-plated 16 AWG OFC conductors, all suspended in a Dual Mono-Filament matrix. These separate solid core conductors eliminate ‘strand interaction, hot spots, and carbonization, which can occur in stranded cables.

The Valhalla 2 Interconnect consists of 10 conductors made from solid, optimized diameter 99.999999% oxygen free copper, each plated with 85 microns of silver. ‘Its surface is highly polished and treated before a precision Dual Mono-Filament wrap is applied. A precision FEP tube is then extruded over each conductor. The ten FEP tubes are then bonded with a proprietary technique to create a tubular interconnect cable, enclosed in two layers of silver shielding.

My interconnects were RCAs, specifically Nordost’s HOLO:PLUG®. Interestingly, I found these HOLOPLUGs easier to attach to my gear. A firm push and a firm grip—a couple of the Frey2s were a little loose. I think the problem was with the female end rather than male, or, maybe a perfect fit because the Valhalla 2s are hand built in the USA.

The Valhalla 2 Reference Speaker Cable consists of twenty-eight conductors divided into four groups of seven. Each conductor is made from solid core 99.999999% oxygen free copper and plated with 85 microns of silver. A Dual Mono-Filament wrap is applied and helically wound around each conductor before a precision FEP jacket is extruded over the outside.


Insulation: High purity class 1.1 extruded Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP)

Construction: Mechanically tuned lay, length and Dual Mono-Filament design

Material: Silver-plated 99.999999% solid core OFC

Specific to power cord:

Conductors: 7 x 16 AWG

Resistance: 1.33 Ohms per 1000ft

Velocity of Propagation: 91%

Termination: Nordost HOLO:PLUG® US (Nema), EU (Schuko), AUS or UK (Furutech) to Nordost HOLO:PLUG® IEC-C15 or IEC-C19 connectors. Furutech Figure 8 IEC-C7 also available

Specific to Analog Interconnect:

Conductors: 10 x 24 AWG

Capacitance: 17.0pF/ft Inductance: 0.076μH/ft

Overall Shield Coverage: 97%

Total coverage with 2 layers of silver-plated shielding

Velocity of Propagation: 87%

Termination: Nordost HOLO:PLUG® Gold Plated RCA or XLR

Specific to Speaker Cable:

Conductors: 28 x 22 AWG

Capacitance: 10.9pF/ftInductance: 0.125μH/ft

Velocity of Propagation: 97%

Termination: Nordost HOLO:PLUG® gold-plated Spade or Nordost’s gold-plated, low-mass Z-plug Banana


Think of beautifully designed high end components achieving one of three advanced effects, most common to rare. Of course, the variables are many, so, when reading my musical thoughts and their effects, one must consider these are heard using different topologies, room size, system synergy, mood, etc.

In general, it’s been my personal experience the three effects afforded high quality, high end equipment are:

  1. A veil is lifted from one’s reference. Or, more than one. An oft used audiophile descriptor. But, it’s very apt. Timbral accuracy of voices and instruments are enviably true to life, or approaching it.

  2. In addition to the veils and timbre, technical aspirations are met, topology choices, and the component is aesthetically beautiful. True pride of ownership. Real technical innovations in the component are highlighted with a concomitant improvement in musical meaning and immersion. What a feeling! Score!

  3. And finally, all of the above, combined with true artistic and aesthetic ideals. The musical connection goes beyond clever electrons. They deliver effortless musicality and sound transcendent of the audience/performer barriers. So beautiful, so completely immersive that description is diminished by prose. The unwritten in all of us.

That said, I’m going to give a description of the Valhalla 2s a go, understanding musical Nirvana is a rare and very beautiful thing. This kismet has now happened twice in my system, and rarely under show conditions or in store demos.

First was the Allnic Audio L-8000 DHT Preamplifier ($22,900), a unique and interesting preamp using telephone repeater tubes and possessing some idiosyncrasies. Yet, the one or two little quirks forgiven due to the immense musical satisfaction it gave. With this preamp, I was transported from music room to concert hall. Again and again. The DHT allowed the listener into the interpretation as participant not observer. I had it for six weeks, and since it shipped out, the sound of my system has not weaved the musical connections that make up the essence of a performance as with the L-8000 DHT in my system.

Until now.

Readers know I get to listen and review the very latest, and, many times, the very best gear. There’s no sob story here on the island. I listen to fantastic sound daily. But, the last ounce of connectivity to my musical sensibilities is what I’ve ultimately craved since the Allnic’s departure. The Valhalla 2s returned that sound to me and more. In fact, I’d say both the Allnic preamp and these dreamboat cables are the two finest components I’ve heard in my system, and with both, an intense, totally immersive connection was made.

You’re probably saying to yourself, ‘at that price, they should deliver’. You’re correct. And they do.

The review was completed with full power cord, interconnects and speaker cable loom in place. My usual cable setup is a tasty collection of Allnic Audio, Audioquest and Anticables. Stars, all. And while you can crank up the credit card with the top Audioquest Firebird and Dragon cables (both have had a session or two in my system and are incredible good), Allnic is less expensive and Anticables a relative bargain in comparison. So, while the Valhallas bettered all as a phalanx, I did not have the time to do individual comparisons. I’m sure that would dilute the musical effect somewhat and decrease the comparative differences.

If you’re a knowledgeable, up to date audiophile or you are in the business, you’ll know Nordost is a legacy company producing cables of superb quality. They develop techniques of the highest level and trickle them down throughout their series.

Nordost also believes in the importance of terminations. As you can read from the specs above, great care and determination has been placed upon the Valhalla 2’s proprietary terminations.

Silver inside? My experiences with silver in cables has not always been happy ones. Poor use of the metal can result in brightness in some systems. These Valhalla 2s are a reminder when silver is used innovatively, it can be a good choice helping to produce superior, balanced sound.

So, without knowing just how good the originals were to live with, the v2s shone the most beautiful light on my system. At this price, however, you should still listen before investment.

Without any prior knowledge or aural references of the v2s, and not knowing what to expect, I was deeply involved and moved almost immediately. On first, always, is my Firebird (LSO/Dorati/Analogue Productions’ reissue of the 1960 original Mercury recording), one of the rare records that does it all for the musician reviewer—repertoire, timbre, imaging/soundstage (Kingsway), dynamics all, and a performance that I doubt will ever be bettered. As I knew and worked with some of the players from the 1960s LSO (profs and mentors in early ‘80s London), I know their unique timbres intimately (Roger Lord’s beautifully focused but astringent oboe tone, Gervase de Peyer’s unique vibrato in the English style of Boosey & Hawkes 10/10 Bb clarinets, and Barry Tuckwell’s glorious horn tone, among many others) and they are perfectly displayed on this record (the long awaited 45 rpm version ordered—will review, when, if ever, it arrives). It was during the complex, thorny, brilliant orchestration (of a 26 year old!) of the ‘Danse de l'Oiseau de feu’ (‘Dance of the Firebird’) where audiophile hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up. And by the end of the short dance, my head was shaking in amazement and my emotions welled up. It’s this last, rare reaction that I’ve been listening for since the Allnic DHT’s departure.

The cables allowed laser-like focus of the multi layers to play exactly as the engineers and performers envisioned. So, every effect the young Stravinsky brought to his orchestration (spiccato, col legno, pizzicato, mutes, glissandos, harmonics—and these are just on the strings!), is heard clearly, but, most of all, musically. As such, the timing, transparency and resolution of the cables are astounding. So, while everything in the orchestra is laid clearly before you, the sheen and tactile effects from the V2’s design, construction and materials make every musical choice a delicious event. This is playback way beyond technique.

So, bass under cello unisons in Beethoven Symphonies are perfectly separated by the different timbres. The balance of instruments was almost like computational audio but touched with the ear and aesthetic of masters like Fritz Reiner and Bruno Walter. And mere audiophile bagatelles such as dynamics and marks of expression are simply taken for granted. Not one of any shaded or subtle variety is missed.

You may hear a hint of upper brightness ‘till things settle down. If heard, it’ll be brief. As for the detail, how about the slightest flute crack on a tricky high G# in Reiner’s Pictures, specifically ‘Tuileries’. Never heard that before.

One of the great musical aphorisms spoken by violinist Issac Stern is ‘music is the sound between the notes’. The essence of the statement is where only the very best and most musical components like the Allnic preamp and these fabulous cables live. Yes, you’re paying $85,000 for the privilege, but I saw my first $200,000 Porsche on the lot last week. My entry level Rolex Oyster Perpetual purchased in 2106 for CAD $6500 plus tax now goes for $10,400 on Chrono 24, the gold standard for second hand watches. Seems prices are up on favoured assets—resale on homes, luxury cars and watches, etc. But, for some reason, when a value of deep musicality is added to an expensive technical audio product of beauty, some audiophiles go nuts. Especially cables. And without hearing them.


Audiophiles craving a last upgrade to the system you already love, why not start with a smaller bite? The anticipation, journey and the saving will be almost as much fun as the end result. I’d say begin with a Valhalla 2 power cord on your amp or integrated, add a Valhalla 2 interconnect from pre/integrated to your digital format of choice, and finally their speaker cable. That should keep you busy for a while. Then, go from there as you see fit. By this time, you are probably with me and will ignore the folks who will write a one word comment after a cursory look at this review. Maybe two words! But for those of you with the impetus, the passion, the inclination, and, of course, the savings, intensely musical experiences await. Very highly recommended.

Further information: Nordost

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